Life Transitions

pensive worried asian woman nervous life transition

People going through life transitions often struggle to let go of what is familiar, because the next chapter can feel very intimidating, confusing and even scary. Regardless of whether your life changes were made by you or forced upon you, it can be difficult to know how to move on. Overthinking it or telling yourself to “let go” doesn’t always help because emotions flood your thinking when dealing with topics such as: 

  • Divorce

  • Moving or relocations

  • Retirement

  • Loss or Death

  • Changes in family structure

  • Life Stages

  • Re-entry into workforce

  • Balancing parenting and work

  • Medical Diagnosis

  • Empty nest

Does this sound familiar?

Do you say, “I want to, but I can’t” or “I know I should let go, but I can’t?” Are you lost in a cycle of asking “Why me?” Perhaps you feel unhappy and dissatisfied, but to make a change into the unknown feels even worse. You know the space you are in is unhelpful and that you should let go and adapt to the new reality, but somehow the path forward feels overwhelming. This fear is keeping you trapped. And, while it may feel scary, it doesn’t have to be! 

The only thing keeping you stuck is your fear. It's like a log jam preventing you from moving forward. Up until this point you haven’t been able to push through the logs and moving them on your own is not easy! These emotional logs are the source of your paralysis and prevent you from taking actions in your life that are consistent with what you truly want.

What you can expect.

Julie will coach you out of the emotional quagmire of a log jam. Once you are free, you will be open and clear on how to take the necessary steps forward to make better choices that align with your true nature.

Julie can help you develop your capability to align your desires with your behavior. She can support and help your skills and abilities evolve to move the logs and make the changes you want in all areas of your life.

middle aged woman happy smiling